June 2024. A new fluorescence-based sensing technology, named ARROiW – Advanced Recording for Reduction of Oil in Water, has been under development for the past four years as a cooperation between DTU Offshore, Aalborg University, University of Copenhagen, and SHUTE Sensing Solutions A/S.

The project is an EUDP funded innovation project.

The end goal has been to develop the ultimate monitoring/control solution to reduce the environmental impact of produced water discharges - End result: Cleaner water!

The prototype, here presented at the Sensor & Test Fair in Nuremberg in June 2024, has been thoroughly tested in a pilot plant with a flow-loop setup. The equipment is easy to install, and due to the sensor head design, fouling issues are minimal.

The system is based on advanced monitoring technology and, therefore, is also applicable in wastewater industries, e.g., industrial and municipal sewage treatment plants.


For more information about the project, press the picture below to see the introduction on YouTube, or download a one-pager The ARROiW Sensor System
