White papers & One pagers (click here)
Please contact SHUTE Sensing Solutions A/S if you want more information on our sensing solutions. We have a number of Wh...
SHUTEs partner Synergia Medical starts human trials
September 23rd 2024. SHUTEs polymer optical fibers are implanted in humans for the first time. One of SHUTE's lon...
Introduction of the ARROiW Sensor System prototype
June 2024. A new fluorescence-based sensing technology, named ARROiW – Advanced Recording for Reduction of Oil in W...
SHUTE is acknowledged for work on CFBGs
April 2024. SHUTE is acknowledged for having contributed to Yohan Barbarins’ (Et al.) work on measuring shock and d...
CCO Kristian Rode interviewed by Easy Enginering Magazine
January 2024. SHUTE CCO Kristian Rode has been interviewed for Easy Engineering Magazine by Ciprian Rotaru, Editor-...
SHUTE CEO Bjørn Andersen interviewed in PhotonicsViews
December 2023. SHUTE CEO Bjørn Andersen was interviewed in the latest issue of PhotonicsViews by EPIC’s Technology ...
SHUTE sensors are used for monitoring temperature inside the brain of a living animal
September 2023. SHUTE sensors are used for monitoring temperature inside the brain of a living animal. SHUTE polym...
Update on EUDP funded project participation
August 2023. SHUTE has for the past years been participating in an EUDP funded innovation project. "The Oil in Wate...
Peter Moselund takes over as new Chairman of the board
Autumn 2022. Peter Moselund this autumn became our new chairman of the board, taking over from Jens Rysgaard who th...
SHUTE and Synergia Medical work together on polymer fibers
September 12th 2022. SHUTE can proudly reveal that we have been working together with Synergia Medical for years. ...
ConcDry® product test together with PEAB in Sweden
During June and August 2022. We product tested ConcDry® at a PEAB building site north of Gothenburg. Documenting the dry...
SHUTE Tests Sensors Intravascularly
November 2021. In cooperation with the MR Research Centre at Aarhus University, SHUTE tested its mPOF sensors inside th...
SHUTE CCO Interviewed on cooperation with KONE
November 2021. Combient Foundry interviews SHUTE CCO Kristian Rode on the cooperation with Finnish elevator & escal...
SHUTE gets a SMV:Digital 5 digit grant
November 2021. SHUTE is granted a 5-digit grant by SMV:Digital The grant is supporting the update of SHUTE homepage and...
SHUTE gets a green smiley
October 18th 2021. SHUTE is awarded a green smiley by the Danish Working Environment Authority (Arbejdstilsynet) The Da...
SHUTE tests for motion and Heart rate in MRI Scanner
June 2021. In cooperation with the MR Research Centre at Aarhus University, SHUTE has tested its mPOF sensors inside a ...
SHUTE gets a 7-digit grant from EUDP
January 11th 2021. SHUTE, together with Aalborg University (AAU), University of Copenhagen (KU) and Technical University...
SHUTE tests sensors in a 9.4 Tesla biospec preclinical MRI Scanner
November 2020. “We have tested the SHUTE mPOF sensor, and found it MRI/NMR compatible, it shows no sign of decrease in ...
Awarded a 2nd Innobooster. Innovation Fund Denmark
November 5th 2020. This month SHUTE Sensing Solution was awarded a 2nd Innobooster in just 3 years. This time SHUTE was ...
SHUTE CCO is interviewed to Startup Grind
October 6th 2020. SHUTE CCO Kristian Rode was interviewed to Startup Grind on how to land a corporate partner when you ...
SHUTE and CEA works together on developing noval polymer sensors
September 17th 2020. SHUTE can proudly reveal that we have been working together with CEA for the past year. “CEA...
Awarded a SME2 Seal of Excellence. European Commission Horizon 2020
May 11th 2020. This month SHUTE Sensing Solution was awarded a second SME2 Seal of Excellence (European Commission Horiz...
KONE & SHUTE begin collaboration on predictive maintenance
May 5th 2020 Last fall’s Venture Client Cycle participants KONE and SHUTE have begun their Venture Client partnership in...
SHUTE turns five
February 9th 2020 SHUTE turned five. It was celebrated with traditional Danish pastry shaped like a person. Sister compa...
SHUTE at 3 fairs this fall
September 26th & during October 2019 SHUTE attended 3 fairs over a 5 week period. First was "Dansk Betondag 2019" (D...
SHUTE featured in Licitationen
September 24th 2019. SHUTE was featured in todays issue of Licitationen. Read it here or at licitationen.dk if you are a...
Awarded a SME1 Grant. European Commission Horizon 2020
October 15th 2018. This month SHUTE Sensing Solution was awarded a SME1 Grant (European Commission Horizon 2020). &nb...
SHUTE moves to Kvistgaard
September 1st 2018. We moved away from DTU to establish a new office and an independent production line at Kvistgaard, N...
Awarded an Innobooster. Innovation Fund Denmark
May 2018. This month SHUTE Sensing Solution was awarded an Innobooster. SHUTE was awarded a 6-digit grant (DKK) to impro...
Bjørn Andersen starts as new CEO at SHUTE Sensing Solutions Aps
February 1st 2018. Bjørn Andersen, a successful high tech entrepreneur and a powerful salesman from electronics business...
SHUTE in Licitationen
November 22nd 2016. SHUTE was today featured in Licitationen. Read more about it at licitationen.dk or follow the direct...
Nordic Venture Forum
November 8th 2016. Today we won the Best Presentation Award at the Nordic Venture Forum in Copenhagen. With the price fo...
Selected to participate in BloxHUB Accelerator program
September 13th 2016. We have been selected as one of the final five participants in BloxHUB Accelerator program. The ...
European Photonics Venture Forum
May 31st 2016. We are proud to announce that we have been selected to present at the European Photonics Venture Forum th...
Test at construction site
February 1st 2016. We have successfully installed the first sensor inside a concrete floor together with a large Danish ...
First complete system installed
January 14th 2016. Today we have successfully installed our first complete sensor system. We are currently monitoring h...
SHUTE in Børsen
December 18th 2015. SHUTE was today featured in the national Danish newspaper Børsen. Read the full story regarding our...
Bridging the Gap
December 14th 2015. SHUTE was recently awarded the Bridging the Gap Award. The voting committee consisted of members of ...
Feature in Norwegian Teknisk Ukeblad
December 11th 2015. Our “Eyes in concrete” story has now reached the Norwegian news papers. Read full article from Tekni...
SHUTE featured in Ingeniøren
December 9th 2015. SHUTE was today featured in the Danish technical newspaper: Ingeniøren. Read the full article here. ...
Danish Tech Challenge – Open Doors Event
November 5th 2015. Today we won the Audience Award at the Danish Tech Challenge Open Doors Event. Great event with more ...
Startup Borgen – 2nd place
November 1st 2015. SHUTE was the runner-up in the annual Startup Borgen competition this past weekend. We came in at an ...
Danish Tech Challenge
September 1st 2015. We’re happy to announce that we have been selected as one out of 20 promising hardware startups to...
SHUTE co-founders chosen as “Entrepreneurial Pilots”
July 16th 2015. Two of SHUTE’s co-founders, who are recent graduates from DTU, have been chosen as “Entrepr...
SHUTE is born
February 9th 2015. Day one and the beginning of a beautiful journey

Please contact SHUTE Sensing Solutions A/S if you want more information on our sensing solutions. We have a number of Wh...

September 23rd 2024. SHUTEs polymer optical fibers are implanted in humans for the first time. One of SHUTE's lon...

June 2024. A new fluorescence-based sensing technology, named ARROiW – Advanced Recording for Reduction of Oil in W...

April 2024. SHUTE is acknowledged for having contributed to Yohan Barbarins’ (Et al.) work on measuring shock and d...

January 2024. SHUTE CCO Kristian Rode has been interviewed for Easy Engineering Magazine by Ciprian Rotaru, Editor-...

December 2023. SHUTE CEO Bjørn Andersen was interviewed in the latest issue of PhotonicsViews by EPIC’s Technology ...

September 2023. SHUTE sensors are used for monitoring temperature inside the brain of a living animal. SHUTE polym...

August 2023. SHUTE has for the past years been participating in an EUDP funded innovation project. "The Oil in Wate...

Autumn 2022. Peter Moselund this autumn became our new chairman of the board, taking over from Jens Rysgaard who th...

September 12th 2022. SHUTE can proudly reveal that we have been working together with Synergia Medical for years. ...

During June and August 2022. We product tested ConcDry® at a PEAB building site north of Gothenburg. Documenting the dry...

November 2021. In cooperation with the MR Research Centre at Aarhus University, SHUTE tested its mPOF sensors inside th...

November 2021. Combient Foundry interviews SHUTE CCO Kristian Rode on the cooperation with Finnish elevator & escal...

November 2021. SHUTE is granted a 5-digit grant by SMV:Digital The grant is supporting the update of SHUTE homepage and...

October 18th 2021. SHUTE is awarded a green smiley by the Danish Working Environment Authority (Arbejdstilsynet) The Da...

June 2021. In cooperation with the MR Research Centre at Aarhus University, SHUTE has tested its mPOF sensors inside a ...

January 11th 2021. SHUTE, together with Aalborg University (AAU), University of Copenhagen (KU) and Technical University...

November 2020. “We have tested the SHUTE mPOF sensor, and found it MRI/NMR compatible, it shows no sign of decrease in ...

November 5th 2020. This month SHUTE Sensing Solution was awarded a 2nd Innobooster in just 3 years. This time SHUTE was ...

October 6th 2020. SHUTE CCO Kristian Rode was interviewed to Startup Grind on how to land a corporate partner when you ...

September 17th 2020. SHUTE can proudly reveal that we have been working together with CEA for the past year. “CEA...

May 11th 2020. This month SHUTE Sensing Solution was awarded a second SME2 Seal of Excellence (European Commission Horiz...

May 5th 2020 Last fall’s Venture Client Cycle participants KONE and SHUTE have begun their Venture Client partnership in...

February 9th 2020 SHUTE turned five. It was celebrated with traditional Danish pastry shaped like a person. Sister compa...

September 26th & during October 2019 SHUTE attended 3 fairs over a 5 week period. First was "Dansk Betondag 2019" (D...

September 24th 2019. SHUTE was featured in todays issue of Licitationen. Read it here or at licitationen.dk if you are a...

October 15th 2018. This month SHUTE Sensing Solution was awarded a SME1 Grant (European Commission Horizon 2020). &nb...

September 1st 2018. We moved away from DTU to establish a new office and an independent production line at Kvistgaard, N...

May 2018. This month SHUTE Sensing Solution was awarded an Innobooster. SHUTE was awarded a 6-digit grant (DKK) to impro...

February 1st 2018. Bjørn Andersen, a successful high tech entrepreneur and a powerful salesman from electronics business...

November 22nd 2016. SHUTE was today featured in Licitationen. Read more about it at licitationen.dk or follow the direct...

November 8th 2016. Today we won the Best Presentation Award at the Nordic Venture Forum in Copenhagen. With the price fo...

September 13th 2016. We have been selected as one of the final five participants in BloxHUB Accelerator program. The ...

May 31st 2016. We are proud to announce that we have been selected to present at the European Photonics Venture Forum th...

February 1st 2016. We have successfully installed the first sensor inside a concrete floor together with a large Danish ...

January 14th 2016. Today we have successfully installed our first complete sensor system. We are currently monitoring h...

December 18th 2015. SHUTE was today featured in the national Danish newspaper Børsen. Read the full story regarding our...

December 14th 2015. SHUTE was recently awarded the Bridging the Gap Award. The voting committee consisted of members of ...

December 11th 2015. Our “Eyes in concrete” story has now reached the Norwegian news papers. Read full article from Tekni...

December 9th 2015. SHUTE was today featured in the Danish technical newspaper: Ingeniøren. Read the full article here. ...

November 5th 2015. Today we won the Audience Award at the Danish Tech Challenge Open Doors Event. Great event with more ...

November 1st 2015. SHUTE was the runner-up in the annual Startup Borgen competition this past weekend. We came in at an ...

September 1st 2015. We’re happy to announce that we have been selected as one out of 20 promising hardware startups to...

July 16th 2015. Two of SHUTE’s co-founders, who are recent graduates from DTU, have been chosen as “Entrepr...