Please contact SHUTE Sensing Solutions A/S if you want more information on our sensing solutions. We have a number of White papers and One pagers on 'Tech Description', 'Application in Concrete', 'Application in Composites', '1550nm POF Humidity Sensor', '1550nm Chirped FBG Sensors','Tech description Med Tech, 'MRI Scanner Results November 2020, 'MRI Scanner Test Results June 2021' & 'Monitoring Blood Pressure Intravascularlyavailable, just press blue types for the One pager, you are interested in (will open in af new window).

Newest application is a non-electric vibration sensor, which will be ideal for many structural health monitoring purposes especially in limited or hard-to-reach places; or where the environment needs to be free from electricity. Read more about it here: 'Accoustic Vibrations Sensor'

For White Papers on 'Polymer Optical Fiber Ultrasound Sensor POFUS' , 'Measurements of relative humidity using FBG sensors'  and 'Health-monitoring of composite materials using polymer optical fibers', just press blue types for the White Paper, you are interested in (will open in af new window). 

Finally we also have a number of YouTube videos for more visualization of our technology: SHUTE Technology Explainer MovieSensing in soft materials, e.g., rubberPressure sensor compositesSHUTE Acoustic Vibrations SensorSHUTE Acoustic TransducerVibration sensor; again just press blue types you are interested in (will open in af new window).


SHUTE has for the past years been participating in an EUDP and DTU Offshore funded innovation project. "The Oil in Water" project develops an innovative technology for measuring oil-in-water using advanced 3D fluorescence spectroscopy combined with advanced data processing. End goal – cleaner water!

The other partners in the innovation project are: DTU Offshore - Danish Offshore Technology Centre, Aalborg University, Københavns Universitet - University of Copenhagen, and with Energy Cluster Denmark as cooperation partner.

A prototype of the ARROiW (Advanced Recording for Reduction of Oil in Water) sensor system is now ready for presentation, see one pager: 'The ARROiW sensor system'.