January 11th 2021. SHUTE, together with Aalborg University (AAU), University of Copenhagen (KU) and Technical University of Denmark (DTU) get a DKK 4.9M grant to develop a new way of ‘Checking oil-in-water using 3D spectroscopy’.
One of the biggest environmental concerns in offshore oil production is disposal of coproduced water. The project goal is an advanced on-line sensor with a dedicated monitoring-control algorithm for water treatment optimization. We map the sample fluorescence topography and apply a combination of optical approaches and advanced data analysis to reduce the environmental impact.
The project is running from 2021-24, and SHUTE's share of the grant is DKK 1.1M. You can read more about EUDP here and how DKK 296M are shared between 34 new projects focusing on green energy technology. (EUDP - Det Energiteknologiske Udviklings- og Demonstrationsprogram, J. No. 64020-4203).
You can see a description of the project here.